Request Your Complimentary Sports Performance Assessment & Consultation

There's No Such Thing As An Off-Season

The scenery may change, but a players road to optimal performance never ends.

While athletes’ careers evolve and goals change, one constant is the demand for staying at the top of their game, and pushing it to new levels. The only way to do that is by unlocking potential while avoiding or recovering from injury.

That’s why Impact Fitness develops personalized game plans for athletes at any point in their career, from high school tryouts to college championships. We only do what works best for the team and every player.

Our sports performance training is provided through a combination of our proprietary assessment process, customized program designs, individual instruction, and results measurement technology. So teams and athletes always have useful data, insights, and expert guidance within reach.

Our Semi-private sessions of four athletes provides the best personal instruction and individualized programming in the area, but also allows the motivation of a group environment, where athletes build bonds and camaraderie to encourage each other to reach the next level of performance.

It truly must be experienced to appreciate the the motivation and accelerated results that come from this environment and program.

Schedule you complimentary assessment and consultation to learn more about how we can help you achieve your performance goal.

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